Monday, October 28, 2013

More vandalism - Vending Machine Break Ins that could be avoided

Another news article about how a vending machine was broke into.
Vending operators need to secure the outside vending machines with vending machine security cages.  With a security cage it will at least deter the vandal from breaking into the machine and many times help prevent damage to your machines. With vending machine break ins on the rise it is important for the vending operator to provide better security such as cameras and vending cages to help slow down and stop vending machine vandalism.
Check out our complete line of vending machine security cages and cameras at

Friday, October 25, 2013

Are you rolling the dice on food with Micro Markets

Are you rolling the dice on food items in Micro Markets?

With Micro Markets and fresh food items on the menu and more accessible than ever are you the operator taking a chance by selling food from coolers with no health safety?
Many operators are using the coolers provided by the bottlers to display and keep their Micro Market fresh foods in but the problem with this is that many of those coolers are designed for drink products and not food. Operators of Micro Markets need to be aware that when fresh or frozen food is being offered that you need to only use a cooler with a health safety feature build in so as not to run the risk of someone getting a food item that has been subjected to higher temperatures then would be needed to maintain a safe serving environment for such a product.
Getting coolers from the bottlers to use their products in the market is one option to keep equipment cost to a minimum but they should only be used for the drink products and even then Milk or any other drink product that is subject to temperature serving needs should only being offered from a cooler with a health safety lock out feature.

The health safety feature of the cooler is designed to lock the door of the cooler should the temperature inside the cooler where the food is held raises above a set temperature. Let’s say the power goes out over night at the location where the food is and the cooler warms up above ow let’s say 47 degrees,
and worst yet it is over the weekend because a storm or power outage. Now let’s say that before the place of the market opens power comes back on but the food inside the cooler had reached a temperature in excess of what it should have been and is now not fit to serve, but no one would know it because the cooler and product may cool back down below 40 degrees when the power came back on.
Not a situation you want to be liable for is it?
Solution is only use a reach in cooler with a health safety feature for any product that has to be keep a certain cold point or could be dangerous to eat or drink if not.
Check out our coolers with Health Safety Features on our website.